Purpose-Driven Innovation
Creating knowledge for a future with better opportunities
In our quest to create better opportunities for individuals and communities facing barriers to their comprehensive development, we have driven innovative mechanisms that redefine how we finance projects with a meaningful purpose. Outcome-based payment schemes emerge as true engines of change, bringing together both public and private entities in a shared mission to generate learnings, remove barriers to access opportunities, and improve the quality of life and well-being of people.
What are Pay-for-Success financing (PfS) vehicles?
These innovative mechanisms aim to align all stakeholders towards achieving specific impact objectives and outcomes. They are characterized by a focus on the performance of social intervention, seeking maximum efficiency and better results, while generating information, data, lessons, and knowledge.
This is how we create value:
We are the bridge that connects investors, funders, payers, service providers, allies, and beneficiaries to ensure the fulfillment of the proposed social and environmental objectives, thus contributing to a dignified life and a sustainable future. Through Pay-for-Success financing we aim at significant and permanent changes by implementing disruptive strategies and adopting new forms of relationship and coordination among stakeholders.
- We foster the development of skills for operators and their teams to enhance their performance and ensure project success.
- We encourage the adoption of information systems and a data culture in projects.
- We apply financial planning tools and efficient resource optimization.
- We ensure and monitor impact KPIs and innovate in creating new indicators and generating learning and knowledge for continuous improvement."iteraciones
We are performance managers in Pay-for-Success Financing Vehicles.
We work through an intervention roadmap designed to address the issues of interest. The roadmap mainly consists of the following steps and activities:
Step 1
Call for proposals and socialization
Step 2
Readability and selection
Step 3
Characterization and profiling
Step 6
Training (soft & hard skills)
Step 5
Job Intermediation
Step 4
Placement / Formal Employment
Step 7
Retention for 3 months
Throughout the entire roadmap, individual or group support activities are carried out to mitigate participant dropout and ensure their placement and retention.
Psychosocial Support:
Provides beneficiaries with coping skills and resilience through psychology techniques and counseling.
Comprehensive and Stipends Support:
activities and/or funding identified based on profiling and psychosocial support as necessary to mitigate participant dropout and fulfill the intervention roadmap.
Individual or group sessions with professionals already working in the sector of interest, supporting the beneficiary in developing their skills and knowledge, as well as defining their life project.
Find more about our Pay-for-Success financing vehicles
PfS financing schemes: These vehicles serve as catalysts to articulate and channel resources towards the growth and development of ecosystems and actors, ensuring positive outcomes.