


We are driven by the power of impact

We deem Impact Investing as an option that facilitates the mobilization of capital to address social and/or environmental issues, thereby contributing to improving the quality of life of populations and to the protection, care, and respect of the environment.

Investments driven by the purpose of making

Our purpose is to ensure that capital is used to drive tangible long-term changes, generating lessons and building capacity among entrepreneurs, partners, and stakeholders. Impact should be structural, measurable, and conscious, which requires doing things differently and with a greater sense of awareness. Our aim is that this impact can intentionally generate continuous and enduring value.

Measurable and enduring impact:

Measurable and enduring impact:

Our purpose is to ensure that capital is used to drive tangible long-term changes, generating lessons and building capacity among entrepreneurs, partners, and stakeholders. Impact should be structural, measurable, and conscious, which requires doing things differently and with a greater sense of awareness. Our aim is that this impact can intentionally generate continuous and enduring value.

Our impact orientation

We focus on working with initiatives, projects, and companies that have an unwavering commitment to address climate change, inclusion, and access to opportunities in Latin America. Moreover, a cross-cutting focus on gender equity has been incorporated as a corner stone in the decision-making process.

To properly undertake our impact-seeking activities, we have incorporated the best practices of highly regarded frameworks and principles to guide our actions.


Impact Management


Millions of USD

Invested capital

Millions of USD

mobilized capital to the portfolio of companies.

Investment opportunities

strengthened during the evaluation process.


Invested in and supported throughout the fund.

Direct jobs

created through the Fund's portfolio.

Indirectos jobs

for small-scale producers and vulnerable populations.


Beneficiaries of the activities of the companies in the Fund's portfolio.


impacted through a more sustainable mobility approach.


Of green infrastructure built, contributing to air quality.

Tons of CO2

Captured and/or avoided, contributing to climate change mitigation.


WEEE waste collected and 250 utilized, reducing water and energy consumption for processing other materials.

Millions of USD

Resources channeled into education and employment projects.


trained in various digital jobs, construction, customer service, among others.


Created through placement guidance


who remained in the job for more than 3 months.


Strengthened and acquired knowledge and lessons along the way.