Other pay for success (PfS) vehicles

Our experience in other PfS financing vehicles:

Since 2021, Inversor has participated as an intermediary in the Quiero Ser Digital Fund. These are performance-based contracts aimed at training young people in digital skills and subsequently placing them in formal employment in the digital sector. So far, two cohorts, Pilotos and ADA, have been implemented, and the TIM cohort is currently being developed.

Stakeholders and their roles in other PfS implemented:

Focused on solving a problem of mutual interest.



Seleccionado cuidadosamente por Inverso para

Verified Results

Private Organizations and Fundations

Public and Private Organizations

Job placement

Route implementation


Stratigic assistance

Working capital


Payment by Succes

Inversor has participated as an intermediary, during the development of two cohorts in the city of Bogotá, the TIM cohort is currently being carried out in Bogotá, Barranquilla, and Cali.

Through an intervention route, we work with young people aged 18 to 28 who are not employed in formal jobs or enrolled in education, with a special focus on migrants, people with disabilities, and women. Additionally, priority is given to vulnerable populations in terms of socioeconomic status, educational level, and whether they are heads of households, among other factors. We have non-reimbursable financing resources provided by international and national partner, comprehensive support and stipends, and mentorship.



FQSD Stakeholders



FQSD Stakeholders





Other pay for success (PfS) financing vehicles

FQSD- Pilots

FQSD-Cohorte Ada